"People love sleeping and people love dreaming. Who wants to wake up? That is the problem. Why do they crucify masters? Because they don’t want to wake up. They say, kill him. We love our dreams, desires, modifications of the mind." Anandmurti Gurumaa
You've been living in a dream
"And now these three remain: faith hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." St. Paul "The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love." ― Meister Eckhart "All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love." Morihei Ueshiba, O'Sensei When we remember these thoughts, and live them, we are at our best because this captures our experience, our existence. I have been fortunate to have and to have had people in my life for whom this is second nature. These are my life teachers. I am and have been surrounded by them. They are in the everyday-ness of everyday. To them I owe eternal gratitude. Taoists, Taiji players, and Qigong practitioners have been saying this for years (and we don't really consider it any more a mystery than anything else in our experience). It's why we practice with the elements, regardless the conditions: From the article: "Spending time in nature provides protections against a startling range of diseases, including depression, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and many more, research shows. How this exposure to green space leads to better health has remained a mystery. After reviewing hundreds of studies examining nature's effects on health, an environment and behavior researcher believes the answer lies in nature's ability to enhance the functioning of the body's immune system." "The realization that there are so many pathways helps explain not only how nature promotes health, but also why nature has such huge, broad effects on health,...Nature doesn't just have one or two active ingredients. It's more like a multivitamin that provides us with all sorts of the nutrients we need." From Science Daily Maybe it's just me, but this doesn't seem to be such a mind-blowing discovery. The thing that makes Quantum theory so fascinating to scientists is the presence of consciousness in everything. To those of us with a yogic bent, it's a foregone conclusion. I am inclined to say it's axiomatic, but then again...
How 'Quantum Cognition' Can Explain Humans' Irrational Behaviors, The Atlantic “Rationality itself depends on how you define it,” Wang says. “It’s perfectly consistent with theory, and so it’s rational. Quantum rational." Pic: Ganesh staute, The Center for Spiritual Awareness, Lakemont, GA
"Till you reach the state of jnana (Enlightenment) and thus wake out of this maya (illusion), you must do social service by relieving suffering whenever you see it. But even then you must do it without ahamkara (ego-sense), i.e., without the sense 'I am the doer' but feeling 'I am the Lord's tool.'" Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi |
AuthorRodney J Owen CategoriesArchives
June 2024