A Theory of Balance by Doctor Leon Hammer: "Balance has often been considered a controversial subject in Chinese medicine. Like all human concepts, balance as a value may be used for good or evil. No doubt the Confucian ‘Doctrine of the Mean’ was utilized throughout Chinese history to suppress the excesses necessary to creativity, to change, and to revolution. This doctrine, which provided history with a social system of unprecedented stability, was a great levelling force. However, its creation of an unchanging society led to remarkable rigidity and mediocrity in many areas of Chinese life throughout the past 2,500 years." The Rest of the Story
Convinced the upcoming Google Robot Army will turn evil and wipe out humanity, Elon Musk has formed a company to design and build human-safe robots. Methinks The Laws of Robotics applies. The rest of the story
These are not my personal opinions or philosophy, but the ideas and thoughts of various thinkers and teachers on this illusive topic:
George Lakoff on the Embodied Mind: https://www.nytimes.com/books/first/l/lakoff-philosophy.html
Donald Hoffman on Conscious Agents:
George Burke on the Yogic Philosophy of Maya: http://ocoy.org/how-you-can-break-through-the-net-of-maya/
Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, There is only Ati: http://www.ievolve.org/daily-wisdom-chogyam-trungpa-rinpoches-ideal-of-no-practice/
AuthorRodney J Owen CategoriesArchives
June 2024