There is a good chance that all of us will eventually be exposed to this. I just don't know how we can avoid it forever. Even with the rate of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths skyrocketing again, I don't think we will or even can go into a full shutdown. Somewhere along the line we have to start living with COVID. That may be restrictive and limited, but we just can't hibernate forever.
So, given the risks we face, our best chance at survival is engaged living. In this environment engaged living already includes all the hygienic steps we have been taking: hand washing, face masks, social distancing, avoiding large groups, etc... Further, we need to shore up our physical bodies, our mental health, and our immune systems. For those of us who have been following a traditional system for some time, this isn't a problem. In fact, the specifics of a complete Kriya Yoga practice will address all our needs:
*Rational constructive thinking
*Mastery of emotions, desires, and sensory impulses
*Compliant observance of moral and ethical guidelines
*Adherence to lifestyle routines that nurture and support healthy and overall well-being
*Purposeful, effective living
*Study, analysis, and comprehension of metaphysical realities
*Mental and spiritual attunement with knowledgeable teachers
*Skillful meditation practice that clarifies awareness and elicits refined superconscious states
*Surrender of the false, illusional sense of selfhood
Perhaps this is our way forward. Like it or not, we should consider that. Granted, living an engaged life may not protect us from all the dangers we encounter. But it will boost our standard of living, our immune systems, our daily existence, and our spiritual growth. In the end it's all about quality of life and giving ourselves every advantage possible.