In any case I'm considering life in isolation and after. Of course we want to use this as a time to train, to practice. We want to be positive and find what's good in this, as there is always something good that comes from everything. In the case of the Covid-19 Pandemic, I fully believe that by this time next year we won't be the same people, we won't have the same society we have now and have had for some years now. I believe everything will change, and in a big way. But we must not only survive, we should thrive both during our isolation and as we come out to rebuild our world.
What I think is the perfect advice for navigating this, and indeed all things, is the definition of a complete Kriya Yoga practice, as laid out by my teacher, Roy Eugene Davis:
*Rational constructive thinking.
*Mastery of emotions, desires, and sensory impulses.
*Compliant observation of moral and ethical guidelines.
*Adherence to lifestyle routines that nurture and support health and overall well-being.
*Purposeful, effective living.
*Study, analysis, and contemplation of metaphysical (beyond the physical) realities.
*Mental and spiritual attunement with knowledgeable teachers (of this tradition).
*Skillful meditation practice that clarifies awareness and elicits refined superconscious (samhadi) states that progress to Self-realization, cosmic consciouisness, God-realization, and complete liberation of consciousness.
*Surrender (letting go) of the false, illusional sense of selfhood, to realize (apprehend and experience) the one field of unbounded Consiousness (God) of which souls are individualized units.
Of course this is not a quick pill for an easy fix. It's discipline and a way of life. But that is why and how we will thrive after all.